Friday, 12 August 2011

Would You Like...And Why Not?

Would You Like And Why Not?
15 - 21 August 2011
The Keep
571 Oxford Road, Reading RG30 1HL
Open Mon - Fri 3-7pm, Sat & Sun 11am - 5pm
PV Tues 16 August, 7-9pm
Contemporary art exhibition by arjeea21 artists exploring issues, events and ideas - would you like to come? You will be very welcome! Free entry, and free parking for visitors in OHOS's carpark behind the Keep, reached via Brock Gardens.
Gerhard Bissell, Anita Benson, Lesley Brown, Peter Driver, Robert Fitzmaurice, Marianne Frank, Gill Goodwin, Ingrid Jensen, Ksenija Krotin, Jerry Lunn, Helen Lunn, Steve Perfect, Julia Rogers, Roxana Tohaneanu-Shields, Clemens Steigleder, Marie Sudwell, Janet Walton, Neile Wright

With thanks to OpenHand OpenSpace for hosting the exhibition.