Wednesday, 26 August 2009

opportunities for artists in the public realm

Brighton: Saturday 24th October
Bracknell: Thursday 29th October
MK: Friday 6th November
Chatham: Friday 13th November

Figure Ground* is an artist led organisation which has developed events around the South East region to encourage creative debate on what it means to practice in the public realm. Applications are invited from artists who consider their work to come under the broad umbrella of public art to participate in one of the four events. For more information please get in touch:
For updates and info:

* Figure Ground is Katy Beinart, Jo Thomas, Jon Adams. We are a group of artists’ who came together as former recipients of Art Plus awards from Arts Council England.

WAF - Whitley Arts Festival 20th Oct - 1st Nov 2009

The Whitley Arts Festival - championing and creating experimental new work by national and local artists. It is happening in Whitley and across Reading.

If you are organising an arts event that coincides with the festival. There may be opportunities to be included in the programme - contact WAF on or via the website.

Special features this year include experimental film (REFF) featuring a live performance by Guy Sherwin and Lynn Loo (including Guy's seminal work 'Man with mirror'). Also a world premiere of a film made by Mark Aerial Waller in Whitley using actors and non actors fron Reading.
Moondogs cafe is the festival hub, featuring a free event every day, including sound and video installations, poetry and photography

The butler pub will be hosting three free nights of music, projections and art
There will be other events, such as Poetry at Risc, film and art at the Retreat pub, and much more.
Check out for more info

Monday, 24 August 2009

Virtually Sculpture @ South Hill Park

Last week, don't miss it! ends 31 August

(Note only Mansion Space Galleries open on 31 Aug)
Virtually Sculpture is the culmination of Michael Shaw’s three year fellowship hosted at Loughborough University exploring the sculptural potential of computer aided design and manufacture to extend Donald Judd’s concept, Specific Objects

South Hill Park, Ringmead, Bracknell RG12 7PA
01344 416240

Mansion Space Galleries: Mon - Sat 9am - 11pm, Sun & Bank Hols 11am - 10.30pm

Bracknell Gallery: Wed 7pm - 9.30pm, Thur - Sat 1pm - 9.30pm, Sun 1pm-5pm

Wednesday, 12 August 2009


REFF: Reading Experimental Film Festival, 2009

WHO: artists / filmmakers.
WHAT: Short narrative / non-narrative experimental films, to be submitted into the Screening Programme of the 2nd REFF. The festival will include a special live performance of Guy Sherwin's 1970's seminal piece 'Man with Mirror', a survey of The London Film Makers Co-op and a Matt Hulse retrospective.It will also feature a REFF commisioned piece of work from Mark Aerial Waller.

WHEN: 23rd-25th October.
PAYMENTS: No payments.
CHARGES: No charges.
DETAILS: The Screening Programme is a vital component of the Festival. For last years programme see: There is no specific genre. All films should be under 15 minutes in length.All films should be formatted onto DVD for submission purposes. Unless a SAE is included, DVD's cannot be returned.
APPLY: Send DVD to: REFF, 31 Alpine Street, Reading, RG1 2PY, Berkshire. Deadline: Friday 30th August.
Deadline: 30th August 2009

Networking for artists and makers in Berkshire and beyond!

2nd Thursdays @ South Hill Park
Come along to informal arc networking meetings at Wilde Bar in South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell.

Please invite your creative friends and bring your artwork, portfolio, a funding application or anything art related that you have in your mind at the moment. We hope to offer a chance for a critical yet friendly exchange of ideas.

NEXT MEETING ON THURSDAY 14 AUGUST. After this, the meetings will take place in the Wilde Bar on every second Thursday of the month, 2pm - 4.30pm.

You will also have an opportunity to visit the current exhibition at the Bracknell Gallery.

Free - No booking is required.

Wilde Bar, South Hill Park, Ringmead, Bracknell, RG12 7PA

Directions at:

Friday, 7 August 2009

Christmas Arts Market

Deadline: 20th August

Christmas Arts Market - Sunday 6th December at Rising Sun Arts Centre 10.00 - 5.30
To apply to take part / have a stall etc. email:

Book Face - Sunday 1st November

Call for artists making artists books: hand made book creations, experimental and altered works, small press, local authors, poets, comic book artists, book collectors and more to take part in a book fair with a difference!

There will be book stalls of artists and writers exhibiting and selling their original work with poetry readings and artists’ demos. Share ideas, relax and enjoy drinks and snacks at the bar.

If you would like to participate or book a stall, please email Neile Wright or call the Rising Sun Arts Centre on 0118 9866788 for more details.

Rising Sun Arts Centre, 30 Silver Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 2ST
11.00am-5.00pm Admission Free


Exciting news...

Reading Experimental Film Festival, 2009
REFF is in the position to offer three £300 bursaries to commission new work on the subject of light. The films will be premiered at the festival in October making up part of a challenging programme.
Applications need to be made by September 1st. Please follow this link for more details.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Empty Shop Space Available

Wokingham Borough Council is keen to work with artists in empty shop exhibitions and will work to provide invigilation and cover empty shop rental fees as well as help with publicity. If a group of artists are interested in holding an exhibition or project in a shop in Wokingham town centre, please contact -

Trish Steinhardt
Tel: 011 8974 6066 cel: 07801664392

Cultural Development Manager
Policy & Partnerships
Wokingham Borough Council
Shute End, Wokingham, Berks RG40 1BN